“I regularly test the game now on a Windows netbook with a sub 2GHz single core CPU, 1GB of ram, and no graphics acceleration.” -Kevin Granade (The larger the size of the individual tiles, the more RAM is used) Recommended I recommend at least 1GB of ram for tilesets, and there are reports of instability due to RAM exhaustion when certain tilesets are used. Tilesets increase the amount of RAM required dramatically. That’s a 900MHz mobile cpu with 500MB of ram.” -Kevin Granade “I used to test the game on an Asus EEE 700. The specs were - 300 MhZ CPU, 64 Mb Ram (+ another 64 Mb swap on microsd flash) running ev3dev (stripped ubuntu basically), ssh over USB CDC connection.” -burgerpro Every simple move took a noticeable fraction of a second (like 0.3-0.5 second), crafting and such was very slow as well. “I played catadda 0.B on Lego EV3 brick through ssh about a year ago. These are resources provided by third parties that the project sees as helpful to users.

Struggle to survive in a harsh, persistent, procedurally generated world. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.