Best Record screen keeps a score for a "Mission Mode".In the final version each score is unique. Best Record defaults all scores between all modes.There's no demo that teaches players how to play the game like the final version.The sprites for Arle and the Puyo bonking her on the head would later be used in the final verison of the game on the title screen, however all other sprites are unused. The prototype contains an unused introduction involving Arle, containing a loose story about Puyo raining from the sky.He also rotates his Puyo, unlike in the final and all subsequent games. Skeleton-T appears in a demo, but unlike the final version he appears to be an opponent in the Normal course instead of being regulated to the Beginner course.This is most obvious when the demo music continues playing until the title screen. A bug occurs in the prototype that causes music to continue playing.In the final version the music is disable during a demo match.

The title still has the Puyo Puyo logo animated, however unlike the final version where it changes colors, it defaults to blue.